Sunday 2 August 2015

Knowing is better than feeling

Hello again, thank you so much for stopping by! I feel so warm and fuzzy inside knowing that you took some time to spend reading my thoughts :-)

So here's a thought. Have you ever felt like your heart and your head just won't get with the program?? Like they aren't on the same wave length? I liken it to a old married couple who bicker all the time. They just won't listen to each other and see things from the other persons point of view! They try to maintain that their way is the best way to go and fight tooth and nail to get their point across. Listening to people bicker is irritating at best when you know that if they would simply lay down their ego they would be so much happier. Is that not what it is like when we face a situation and our hearts are saying one thing and our heads say another? They seem to be in complete conflict with each other and you can't get either of them to just let up and see things from the other's point of view!

Don't get me wrong, it isn't all old married couples that bicker! I feel there is a lot to learn from those who don't because they seem to have cracked it. Of course they aren't perfect people, so how do they make it work? They have nailed what it means to love each other so much that you work to each other's strengths and work around and through the weaknesses. Me and Bogdan have been married nearly 9 years (WOW! I feel old...) and things that used to really frustrate me about him I have found in fact that we can use them to our advantage as a couple and (from what he says) its the same with me too. We work to each other's advantages. Leave the weaknesses for another day. Theoretically ;-)

You see, the head is good in lot of situations. For example if you need to perform CPR on someone then it is good to have had training in that area so you are able to apply it in a time of need. The heart wouldnt be much good in this situation. However the heart is also wonderful in many situation such as after you give birth. Listening to your heart is the thing that convinces you to take your baby home despite the pain it caused you because you better believe your head aint got no clue how to grow a human. But you love it and cant explain why. It's yours. So you put it in the car.

Some say that the heart is to do with feelings and the head (or the mind) is all about knowing but that's not quite right really. We can both feel and know in our heart and both feel and know in our mind and so how can we be truely sure of what we 'know'?! Knowing is better than feeling. Why? Because sometimes, only sometimes, the mind and the heart are in conflict, both want to guide you and lead you and it's then that you need to revert to what you KNOW. True knowledge doesnt come from the head OR the heart. It comes from your spirit and what youhave trained yourself to believe to be true despite your feelings. Our real battle was never really between our heart and our head. The true battle is between what you know and what you feel. Without it we can be under the influence of a lie, be it in our head or in our heart if we havent filled both our head and our heart with the truth.
That truth is the word of God.

There have been times in my life when the devil has tried to torment me using my emotions and my feelings about a person or a situation. Hey, who am I kidding, it happens on an almost daily basis. Is that just me? A while ago I would have said that those feelings and those emotions were destroying me. I would have said that those feelings were the truth and all anyone else would say was a lie because what I felt was so overwhelming and so 'real'. A while ago I didnt know that it was the devil trying to steal my joy, keep me in a box when in fact it was HIM that was afraid of ME. When you are a new Christian God allows you in His grace to revel in joy and the newness of feeling His presence and experiencing His touch. That stuff doesnt go away - or at least it should never go away - but our Christian walk develops. Much like a baby learning to walk. We rejoice in every little step and when he falls we say 'Never mind! Up you get again!' but when they are 5 years old and still wobbling when they walk we'd say there was a problem. There are certain behaviours we would expect from a 5 year old child that we wouldn't expect of a newborn baby. Later on in our Christian walk, God expects us to have been through situations which have tested our faith and required discipline to maintain our walk despite feeling like we couldnt go on or not feeling his presence. The Bible says we live by faith not by sight (not by feelings!). We need a foundation of things that we know to be true so that when we feel something opposite (be it in our heart, gut, mind or bones!) we can come against it with the truth. I have linked up a site with biblical promises that are yours and that you can (and must) declare over your feelings, every day if necessary, until it really sinks in. That's what I did. That's what I DO. The devil used scripture to tempt Jesus in the wilderness yet Jesus knew truth and quoted it back despite His feelings.
My absolute favourite feelings/emotions/devil basher scripture is 'God has not given me a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind.' Oooo I know I'm not the only one who could do with a sound mind!

So I just want to encourage you to please check that what you feel lines up with the Truth. The Truth is alive and His name is Jesus. He calls you beloved. He calls you chosen. He calls you valuable. He calls you FREE! That is what you should know. Tell your feelings to get in line with the word of God because when they do you will be UNSTOPPABLE! (and that's what scares the devil the most...)


  1. Lovely stuff, Rebecca! Really enjoyed reading this, thanks!

  2. Aw thanks Laura! I love that you read my stuff :-) xxx
