Wednesday 29 April 2015

Journey so far...

So just wanted to update our friends briefly about where we are up to with the house!

Mum came so we were all systems go with getting things ready for her coming and seeing our little hilltop cottage. When she was here she helped us out so much with arranging things and cleaning things we hadn't had time to clean. Don't you just love Mums!! Lord knows I love mine.

We still have the bathroom to finish and have next to no furniture, also the kitchen is next (after another 50+ things) on the list! So not finished but well on our way and excited to have friends coming in September which is another incentive to complete more! Great tip if you want to get things done for your house, invite guests! You have no choice but to get things done!

I really feel like sharing with you some of the lessons that God has brought me through recently and some things that I feel He has impressed upon my heart to share. I can't wait to get them down in writing!! Right now Little Curly Top will not allow it as we HAVE TO watch alphablocks and paint salt dough hands but next post will be a deep one I assure you haha....prepare yourselves!

Thanks for checking in and seeing what we are up to!
Rebecca xxx

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