Wednesday 20 April 2016

3 Signs It's Time For You To Quit

So, loooong time no write it would seem.
Of course there have been reasons. Some too boring to write about and some too interesting to share...for now...

Since I last wrote we have found out we are expecting a baby! (I find that expression hilarious, as though you are really hoping it's a baby in there but you aren't quite sure haha...I expect it is a baby and not a lawn mower...we'll see!)

SPRING is here in Romania but it feels more like a UK summer because quite frankly spring lasts about 1.5 weeks here, which I just find to be rude because I LOVE spring. It's my favourite. People are mocking me for wearing sandles when it isn't officially summer. Well it is to me people IT IS TO ME!

Despite this subject being super intriguing, my post today is not about the length of spring.
I know. Disappointing.

My post today is based on recent events and revelations which I have found have marked me for life. Dramatic but true.

Here is my advice to you. Quit. Quitting is good. Quit whilst you still can. Quit whatever you are are displaying any of these 3 signs:

1) It's Causing You More Harm Than Good

Ok, start with an obvious one, but think about it. I mean, I have lost count of the amount of times I have chosen in my spare time to watch trash TV rather than pick up a good book, or chosen chocolate cake over an apple. 
There is nothing wrong with chocolate cake and trashy TV (I know I get an amen from the exhausted parents out there) but really which is most beneficial? Which of these things matches my long term life goals and values?

Quite honestly, watching trashy TV makes me more angry (don't tell my husband I admitted that), and reading a book doesn't. Especially a book about my relationship with Jesus and how to get closer to fulfilling my dreams and plans. TV does not aid this goal.  

Being pregnant now I need to think about my unborn baby. Apples gooood. Chocolate cake....goood, but less so. A healthy baby and mummy is a long term goal and purpose so it is time for me to quit. Quit the short term 'needs' and address the long term goals. Fight for them if need be. 

2) You Cant Remember Your 'Why'

All of us have things that we have to do. Washing, cleaning, cooking may not be high up on our list of things we love and are passionate about doing but we know they are necessary. We know the 'why' is our children and our partners and ourselves being happy, healthy and taken care of.

I have recently decided to quit teaching English, a stable income, in order to open my schedule up for pursuing the hundreds of dreams I have floating around in my head! I probably could have done both for a while, but I forgot my why. Why was I teaching English? Money? I dont want that to be my sole reason. It was the only reason. I want to be passionate about what I do and not dread going to work.

If you have forgotten your why, either remember it and re-evaluate it, or quit! Jobs come and go and I would implore you to not waste your time doing something you hate. The world needs people like you and me with a fire in their soul that burns with passion for what they do!

So ask yourself, 'why?'

3) You Are Compromising Who You Are 

Oh wow, just never do this. From the bottom of my heart I beg you to never do this, ever. I did. We did. We stayed somewhere that did not represent us and our beliefs for a long time until finally we decided to be true to the calling God had upon our lives and who He had made us to be. 

The dynamics in our family has changed dramatically for the better and we are living true to who we are. Don't compromise. God made you who you are for a reason. We improve ourselves, yes. We highlight our character and our flaws but we never compromise who we are. Who God made us to be. Are you artistic? Be artistic. Are you a thinker? Think. Are you a writer? Write. Do you make a mean chicken pie? Cook. God made introverts, extroverts and intrextroverts (both, like me) and there really is no point in trying to change that. You will just be miserable and thats no fun for anyone.

As Dr Seuss says "Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!"

Here is what I suggest you do now:

  • Watch this short video clip about willpower that will help you see how rather than having to say no to everything, the way to really quit is to say yes to the good and the positive in your life. I LOVE this video!

  • Discover your purpose and write it down. Use these questions to help you which were taken from the book The Purpose Driven Life:
  1. What is the centre of my life? (Worship)
  2. What will be the character of my life? (Discipleship)
  3. What will be the contribution of my life? (Service)
  4. What will be the communication of my life? (Mission)
  5. What will be the community of my life? (Fellowship)
Remember that quitting is not failing. It is taking control and knowing that you are making room for what really matters. Think of it as saying yes to your dreams rather than no to your temptations. 
Sometimes it is time to quit, and it can be the most eliberating thing you have ever done. 

What's stopping you?

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